​Architecture & Historic Places
Celebrating 50 years of Preservation Richard Hampton Jenrette
Stearns Home 315 Elm Street Salisbury moved to Bartlett Farm
Alex Knox Plantation "Woodland" Mount Pleasant Charleston S.C.
To Adorn This Past Family Furniture Collection at the Blair House Pennsylvania Ave Washington DC
Rebuilding of the House of Seven Gables Reveals Features Described by Hawthorne 1910
Antiquarians Debate Over First Church in Salem Massachusetts
Antiquarians Debate Over First Church in Salem Massachusetts
A Succession of Kaleidoscopic Pictures Historical Archaeology Turner House, Salem Massachusetts
Photo: Moore House Yorktown, Virginia 1862 Union Troop Inspection after Siege of Yorktown
Wolfe Tavern Newburyport Bar Hefty Bill Shows Extent of Stamp Act Protests & Drinking
Derby Summer House Massachusetts Statues Milkmaid and Reaper by David M McIntire
A Timeline for Structures at Jamestown Related to the Chiles Family
​Artifacts & Antiques & Art
A Rare Cane with Paper Trail From Abraham Lincoln to Major Ben: Perley Poore of Indian Hill
Painted Leather "Concord Bank" Fire Bucket, Concord, New Hampshire 18th Century
Mirrors of Bernard Cermenati Carver, Gilder, Picture Frame and Looking Glass Manufacturer
Kenneth Worcester Dow and Mary Mohan Dow Gallery of American Art MOAS, Florida
Henry Short and Ann Longfellow Short Wedding Dressing Box, 1694
Antiques: The Haunted World of English Martin Brothers Pottery Soaring High in America
Video Israel and Albert Sack, Godfathers of Antique American Furniture
Sampler by Olive Gooch, Abigail Bragdon, Hannah Hill, and Mary Abby Saco Museum Research
Family Register Sampler 1827, was made by Mary Ann Post at Miss Cornwall's School in Glastonbury
Relics of the French & Indian War American Revolution owned by Soldier Silas Call of Massachusetts
Americana Antique Relic Chair used by Captain George Little on board his ship cabin.
Spinning Wheel Relic Used By Aunt Phemy At Mount Vernon Sold to Poore at Indian Hill Farm Newbury
Photo Cabinetmaker Cornelius Short (1811-1871) son of Joseph Short of Massachusetts
Indian Hill Relic Seventeenth Century Pennacook Purse at Peabody Essex Museum Gift of Mosley Family
Portraits of Joshua and Ruth Thomas Winsor by Rufus Hathaway
Americana 19th and 20th Century Figureheads Mystic Seaport Museum
George Lewis Deblois Jr. Fire Buckets 1824 Citizens Fire Society
Americana Watercolor Birth Certificate for JOHN WESLEY DASHAM of Pennsylvania
Account Book of John Head Joiner Philadelphia Cabinetmaking and Commerce, 1718-1753
Joseph Short Cabinetmaker Newburyport, Massachusetts Research Files
Video on Americana Collector Electra Havemeyer Webb founder of the Shelburne Museum
Drawn From Nature And On Stone: The Lithographs Of Fitz Henry Lane from incollect
American Aviators Orville Wright and Edward W. Hill 1928 signed Spherical Balloon Pilot's License
Rare Thomas Lynch Jr. Letter (1776) Charleston, South Carolina
Francis Proctor receipt from fellow Pennsylvania artillery company commander James Biddle 1775
Jesse Heath’s Powder Horn and its association with Groton Vermont
17th Century Silver Porringer made by Jeremiah Dummer for Gardner Turner Bowditch Family
Daughters of the American Revolution Letter 1892 Mrs Ellen Randolph Harrison Life Membership signed
​Colonial America
A Richly Woven Story Precontact to Post-American Revolution Cape Ann Museum Project
George Thorpe's Inventory of 1624: Virginia's Earliest Known Appraisal
The 1st Generation of Philadelphia Biddles & the Scull Family
Rare Book by Elias Brewster Hillard: The Last Men of the Revolution at Skinner Auction
Digging Up Witch Lore in Old Salem Village: The Rev. Samuel Parris Home
America wasn’t founded on slavery in 1619 — but on Pilgrims’ ideals written in 1620 Peter W Wood
John Endicott and the Flag Origin of Ancestor’s Unusual Name Truecross Davenport
Appreciation grows for overlooked tide mills of early New England Settlements
​Crime, Scandal, and Mystery
John T. Crook Testimony: Scams to Get the Hopkins Fortune: Seances, Table Tipping, and Slate Writing
Research Opportunities for murder of Captain Joseph White Salem Massachusetts
"New England's Curses," Travel Channel Documentary
Texas Scandal: Mrs. Nettie Taylor Gives Cheating Husband the Strap, 1925
Severance Family of California Battle Edward Searles for Mark Hopkins Money
​Holidays, Events, & Organizations
1780 Payment for Stephen Davenport of Connecticut, Signed by Abraham Davenport
1910 Memorial Day Observance near Town Hall and Civil War Monument Winthrop, Massachusetts
American Civil War Union General Hugh Judson Kilpatrick, Great-Grandfather of Gloria Vanderbilt
American Civil War Vets Blue and Gray Meet Again in St. Louis Memorial Day, 1904
American World War I Soldiers: The "Harlem Hellfighters"
Captain Thomas Foulds Ellsworth Collection at the Pasadena Museum of History, California
Daughter of the American Revolution had four ancestors who fought at Bunker Hill
Patriot Spinners & Knitters: WWI Christmas Packages for the Troops, 1917
Private Charles H. Arnum of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment
Military Uniforms in America Photographic Collection Buffalo History Museum
Civil War envelope showing Columbia with flag, Massachusetts
Roster and Genealogies of the 15th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry--John Hawkins Johnson
Civil War Letters Abolitionist of Seth Rogers Surgeon of the First South Carolina & 33rd U.S.C.T.
Private Daniel D Duty presented Soldier award from Col. Robert Wilson 1954 Kentucky
Joseph Short-Unheralded Hero: The Inventor Whose Knapsack Saved Union Soldiers’ Backs
A Haunting Final Entry in 16th Connecticut Soldier Diary 1864--Connecticut Private Henry Adams
Private Gottlieb Dietzman and the 17th Missouri Volunteer Infantry Regiment
Captain William Hackett Old Time Skipper Defied a British War Ship
Photo Confederate General JOHN BANKHEAD MAGRUDER (1807-1871)
Remembering the Brave Who Served for America on Veterans Day
Hiram Nye and Readville Campground Cadet Vets Reunion Dedication Tablet
1864 Photos Fort Pickering Winter Park Salem Massachusetts & Joseph Stearns Diary
Photo & 83rd Birthday Celebration Charles F Winch Photograph Company K, 6th New Hampshire Infantry
Flowers for a Heroes Grave Honoring John J Pershing Arlington National Cemetery
Harvey County Historical Society has Civil War Archive in Museum Newton Kansas
Photo Union Civil War Vets Henry Lay, Balch Brothers, Sam Brookings and William Carlton Gather 1923
Honoring Union Soldier Theophilus Sanborn Died in Andersonville Prison
Generations of family proud of Civil War hero Alonzo Hereford Cushing
Relics of Union Soldier of the 55th George Thompson Garrison brother of William Lloyd Garrison
Photo Civil War Vet Frank Ingledue of Salem Ohio and Obituary
Daguerreotype of Robert Adams The Lost Confederate Charleston Light Dragoons
​Music, Poetry & Pop Art
New England & The Northeast
1910 Memorial Day Observance near Town Hall and Civil War Monument Winthrop, Massachusetts
The Mayflower Billington Brothers Dubbed First Juvenile Delinquents in America
A Storm of Witchcraft: The Salem Witch Trials and the American Experience Emerson Baker
Researcher tracks whaling ship that inspired Melville and Moby Dick to Amesbury Massachusetts
The Salem Witch Trials Documentary Archive and Transcription Project University of Virginia
Harriet Noyes Rogers Winch Champion Reinswoman with Sturdy Pedigree
The Lace Makers of Ipswich and Newbury & Caldwell Family Connection
A Brief History of Old Newbury Massachusetts by Bethany Groff
A Grave in the Woods of Exeter NH Susannah Holman and Joseph Brown link Parker House Hotel Boston
Plymouth County, Massachusetts Genealogy and History Genealogy Trails Site
Breaker Boys, Kingston, Pennsylvania, 1892
The Sons & Daughters of the First Settlers of Newbury Massachusetts
Powow preacher Thomas Macy spats with Massachusetts Puritans
Selwin C Reed 1870 Photo Green Street Newburyport Massachusetts
Mary Ellen Turner of Chester Philadelphia Church Soloist 1904
Photo Site of the fulling mill built by Thomas Macy to process raw wool
Photo Deane Winthrop House Gathering of Literary Club 1913 Colonial Style
Photo and 1902 Fire New Clip Westbury Quaker Meeting house Long Island New York
Book Review of Mayflower Live Pilgrims in a New World and the Early American Experience
Photos of Shelter Island New York Monument Quakers Where Honored
At the Magistrate's Discretion: Sexual Crime and New England Law 1636-1718 Early American Courts
Old Newspapers Tell Story behind 18th Century Ancestor’s Hat--Seth Plummer Newbury MA
National Convention of the Daughters of the Revolution, Glen Watkins, New York, 1929
Margaret Frazee Neiry Real Daughter of American Revolution Washington Indianapolis
What So Proudly We Hail: Recalling the History of ‘Old Glory’ on its 243rd Birthday
DADA Ladies of Chicago Daughters of the Revolution and Mayflower Descendants
Daughters of the American Revolution 1929 New York Meeting of Officers
Daughters of the American Revolution Gaspee Chapter Rhode Island 1892 Photo
Daughters of the American Revolution Magnolia State Chapter 1972 Scrapbook
Edward Rawson Descendant Susannah Crossley, Celebrates 100th Birthday DAR
Portrait Josiah Bartlett Signer of the Declaration of Independence
Photo Mercy Warren Daughters of the American Revolution 1942
​People & Genealogy & Photos
Anderson Cooper Relation-American Civil War Union General Hugh Judson Kilpatrick, Great-Grandfather of Gloria Vanderbilt
Captain Thomas Foulds Ellsworth Collection at the Pasadena Museum of History, California
Photo George C. Adams, Charles F. Adams, Mary O. Adams, and Mary Adams, at Beverly Farms
The Diary of Isabella Cass of Sherwood Hall, Menlo Park, Calif.
Edward Phelps and Grace Moore Garland
General Tom Thumb with wife Livinia, Commodore Nutt, and Miss Minnie Warren
Grandma Moses Donates Battle of Bennington Painting to DAR, 1953
Honors Paid to the Memory of the Great Statesman, Frederick Douglass
Mabel Thorp Boardman, American Humanitarian and Philanthropist
Rare Thomas Lynch Jr. Letter (1776) Charleston, South Carolina
Samuel Merritt: A Harpswell Man of Distinction and Success
William Wallace Noyes of Vermont, Medal of Honor
First Lady Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy was painted by Aaron Shikler
Photo: Children of Alden Kingsman Dyer and Carrie Ellen Hooper
Abraham Lincoln We Cannot Escape History
Honors Paid to the Memory of the Great Statesman, Frederick Douglass
The 1st Generation of Philadelphia Biddles & the Scull Family
American Silent Film Star Corrine Griffith "Orchid Lady of the Screen"
Alice Cately Ettling First Women Carriage Maker "The Daughter"
Anna Bartlett Seavey views First Trolley to come through Salisbury Massachusetts
Edith B Davidson First Women Alderwoman Elected 1925 Somerville
Portrait Mary Davenport and Charles Coffin by John Brewster JR
Eileen Gillespie Slocum: The Story of the Last Grand Dame Video and Photos
Photo of Brothers Charles and Albert Russell Members of the Odd Fellows and Masons
Photo & Papers Edward Hale MacConnell and wife Mary Lucretia Gove Hale
Photo Edmund Jaques son of William Jaques and Elizabeth Savory
Photo Asaph Dyer son of Lemuel Dyer and Wealthy Wass Portland Maine
Photos William Irving Colby and daughter Helen Florence Colby
Photo Fearless Hose Company Amesbury 1904 Reunion Moses Dennett Lambert Hollander Sylvester Wiggin
Photo of Mildred Mabel Phelps Berry and Priscilla Atwood Kingsbury
Photo Brothers George Granville Short Jr and Russell Hammond Short in Navy Uniform
Wedding Photo Elisabeth Ehrhardt and Anton William Sander 1902
Wedding Photo Jeannette Marie Antoinette Champigny Douglas
Photo Herbert Ellsworth Family Home Lowell Street Peabody Massachusetts
Mary Ellen Turner of Chester Philadelphia Church Soloist 1904
Photo William Joseph Daley Alice Winford Ford with Family early 1900's
Stereoscope Photo Stearns-Eastman Home 315 Elms Street Amesbury Massachusetts
Ancestry of Edgar Worthington Hubbard with Slack, French, Jenison Allied Families New England
Stereoscope Photo Stearns-Eastman Family at Elm Street Amesbury Massachusetts Home
Photo: Policemen 1920 Robert MacLeed, Eugene O'Brien, William B O'Connor, Charles Frederick Lacey
Photo: Promontory Utah 1869 Union Pacific and Central Pacific Locomotives Meet
Photo: Native Americans in the vicinity of the Union Pacific Railroad line, mid- to late 1800s
Portrait of John Dixon Printer of Virginia painted by Cosmo John Alexander
Photo Ellsworth-Osborn Family 1901 Devereaux Beach Marblehead Massachusetts
Genealogy Discoveries: Thurlow and Allied Lines of Newbury Massachusetts
Photo Image of Revolutionary War Soldier Nathaniel Aiken painted by Joseph Chandler
The Underhill Society of America Society Descendants of Captain John Underhill
Abraham Lincoln Quaker Kin Who Fought for the Oppressed and Religious Freedom since Puritan Times
Photo Video & Archival Collections
George Washington Gerrish Family Photos
Old Archive Footage Early Settlers of New England in Salem Massachusetts made in 1940
Quaker Archives The commonplace book of Emily Jermyn Letters
Photo of Kirk W. Sims of Michigan
Smith-Brown-Elwell-Partridge-Phillips-Saulsbury-Head Family Photos
Old Video Footage A Tour of New Hampshire Historical Sites and Industries 1950
1907 Lincolnville, Northport, Belmont, Morrill, Searsmont and Waldo Maine Town Register Book
St. Mary’s Female Seminary Junior College Alumni Directory 1846-1940 Maryland
Tercentenary Float, 1930 Salem, Massachusetts Salem Photo Archives
Online Archive of California Photographs and Images of America
Historic New England Archives Collection Class album Yale University 1873
Library of Virginia Special Collections Stereograph Collection
Lexington Kentucky John Winston ("Squire") Coleman, Jr. Scrapbook Collection Vol 13
The Salem Witch Trials Documentary Archive and Transcription Project University of Virginia
Photos Need ID Genesee County New York Area DAY, NICHOLS & NORTON
N Y Digital Philharmonic Leon Levy Archives Releases 250+ Press Clipping Scrapbooks, 1903–79
Tennessee State Library and Archives Blog & Digital Collection
U Washington Foster School of Business Centennial Digital Archives
Civil War Digital Collection Hagley Museum Digital Archives Delaware
Photo Collection Storer College Jefferson County West Virginia
Heirlooms Reunited Researching the Genealogy and Family History of Orphan Heirlooms
Video: A Journey into the Beauty of Quaker Country England and George Fox
Within Patriarchy Gender and Power in Massachusetts’s Congregational Churches 1630-1730
Photos and Genealogy Harcey Family Archives with Allied Families
25 Veterans of 1861 at 65TH Gather at Faneuil Hall Boston Encampment Memorial Grand Army Republic
QUAKER RECORDS PROJECT Origin of the Society of Friends and Its Spread in America PDF
Langdon's List of 19th & Early 20th Century Photographers and Photo Collection
Some Quaker Portraits from the Archives of Friends Historical Association PDF File
​The Unusual, Scandal & Fun
Smallest Auto in the World "Hoot Gibson Special" driven by Gus Petzel, 1925
Sullivan Ordinance of 1908 Society Outlaws Smoking--Women Arrested for Lighting Up
Ten 19th Century Occupations That You’re Not Likely to Encounter Today in America
Mary Lincoln Beckwith Great Granddaughter of Abraham Lincoln Would Plow Fields
American Antiquarian Benjamin Bagnall wills dogs, diamonds, and rare antiques to couple
Texas Scandal: Mrs. Nettie Taylor Gives Cheating Husband the Strap, 1925
American Experience: "Demon Rum" Alcohol Prohibition Documentary Video
Mary Baker Eddy, Founder of Christian Science and the Bagley Sisters
Billionaire Cortland Field Bishop comes to the rescue in 1923 Snow Storm
John Pike and his Tramp Barn Retreat Salisbury Massachusetts
A Grave in the Woods of Exeter NH Susannah Holman and Joseph Brown link Parker House Hotel Boston
Those Loose Ladies: An Examination of Scandalous Puritan Women in Massachusetts From 1635 to 1700
What Ghost Hunters Found in Topsfield Massachusetts Hangers and Symbolism Witches and Mormon Ties
Francis Danforth Marston John Greenleaf Whittier’s True Barefoot Boy
1680 Court Case A Hot Source for Nathaniel Hawthorne novel The Scarlet Letter
John Greenleaf Whittier: Abram Morrison An Irish Quaker Walks Po Hill Amesbury
Inside Skull and Bones Rare photos of the interior of Yale’s most storied “tomb.”
Debutantes Aristocracy 1939 England and Kathleen "Kick" Kennedy