There are 147 names recorded in what is interchangeably called the “Honor Book,” “Honor Roll,” and the “War Record of Pages of Kansas City Public Library.” It was created by John Rankin Greenlee, Chief of the Stacks of the old Main Library building at 9th and Locust, who took it upon himself to record and track former library pages and assistants who served in World War II.
Every branch of the U.S. Armed Forces is represented by the 141 men listed inside. At least three of them spent time as prisoners of war in Germany or Japan. Six women are also included on pages 203-208, having served with the American Red Cross, Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC), or the Women’s Army Corps (WAC). A full of index of names is at the end of the book.
The Honor Book is part of the Kansas City Public Library’s institutional archives, housed in Missouri Valley Special Collections. Visit Veterans Book