1884 from the Shelter Manor Archives see my story at Genealogybank blog Nathaniel Sylvester, ‘Lord of Shelter’ for 17th Century Quakers
A Reading from John Greenleaf Whittier "Bainished from Massachusetts 1660" during the unveiling of the monument published in the "Cincinnati Commercial Tribune Friday, Mar 21, 1884 Cincinnati, OH Vol: XLIV Issue: 165."
The Manor when Eben Norton Horsford (July 27, 1818 - January 1, 1893) lived there with his family-- Eben son of missionary and politician Jerediah Horsford and his wife Maria Charity Horsford of Moscow, NY. Read more on Family at Guide to the Sylvester Manor Archive
PDF Article from New-York daily tribune Sunday, May 28, 1893 New York, NY Vol: 53 Page: 23
More Reads:
Dusty Roots and Forgotten Treasures--Matriarch Monday: Cassandra Burnell Southwick Persecuted Quaker