Figure 31. Lincoln Room (office) of Blair House as it was in 1928. The walls are hung with political cartoons from the Blair-owned Globe Newspaper, family portraits and the painting of Lincoln’s Cabinet, including Montgomery Blair, reading the Emancipation Proclamation Blair House Photo Archives Office of the Curator, Blair House 1928 Harris Ewing Photo
List of Illustrations Introduction Figure 1. Letter from Gist Blair to President Franklin Roosevelt (transcription) 99. 2. Letter from President Roosevelt to Gist Blair 100. 3. Letter from Minna Blair Ritchey to Senate Committee 100. 4. Portrait of Gist Blair 101. 5. Graph: Distribution of Blair family furniture by periods 102. The Family: First and Second Generations 6. Maple bed slept in by President Lincoln 103. 7. Federal sideboard inherited by Mary Woodbury Blair 103. 8. Blair House additions by Montgomery Blair 104. 9. Graph: Distribution of furniture by value 1830-1876 105. 10. District of Columbia 1831 cabinetmakers price-book 105. 11. Curled maple bedpost 106. 12. Curled maple headboard 106. 13. Up-charge chart on maple bed 106. 14. American Empire Bureau 107. 15. Bureau profile 107. 16. Cripps Toilette Table 108. 17. 1833 advertisement of Joseph Meeks 109. 18. American Empire side table 110. 19. American Empire pier table 110. 20. American Empire center table 110. 21. Foot detail of American Empire center table 111. 22. Gothic Revival clock 111. 23. Elizabethan Revival shaving stand 112. 24. Rococo Revival side chair 112. 25. Blair Samson Cariss mirror 113. 26. Ridgley Samson Cariss mirror 113. The Third Generation 27. Floor plan Blair House first floor 114. 28. Floor plan Blair House second floor 114. 29. Floor plan Blair House third floor 115. 30. Floor plan Blair House fourth floor 115. 31. Francis Blair/Montgomery Blair study, now Lincoln Room 116. 32. Maple High Chest 117. 33. Slant top Desk 117. 34. Slant Top Desk Interior 117. 35. Simon Willard tall clock 118. 36. Federal Tabernacle Mirror 118. 37. Eglomise tablet pier mirror 119. Turning Point: Fairs, Expositions, and Exhibits 38. Brooklyn Sanitary Fair 1864 119. 39. New England Kitchen, Centennial International Exhibition of 1876 120. 40. Mary Woodbury Blair’s Lacquered Sewing Table 120. 41. Blair Japanned Tall Clock 121. 42. Letter to Mary Blair from antique dealer regarding tall clocks 121. 43. William and Mary era andirons given to Mary Blair by Gist Blair 122. 44. Lap-desk given to Mary Blair by Woodbury Blair 122. 45. Interior of Mary Blair lap-desk 122. 46. Thomas Jefferson lap-desk 123. 47. Jefferson lap-desk interior 123. 48. Lady’s writing desk from Lizzie Blair to Minna Blair 123. 49. Interior of Minna Blair’s writing desk 123. 50. State of Massachusetts Building World’s Columbia Exposition 1893 124. 51. Essex Institute parlor Massachusetts State Building 1893 124. 52. Connecticut State Building World’s Columbia Exposition 125. 53. Kentucky Parlor, Woman’s Building World’s Columbia Exposition 125. 54. Hudson-Fulton Exhibit, eighteenth century display 126. 55. Hudson-Fulton Exhibit, nineteenth century display 126. Gist and Laura Shaping their Collection 56. English William and Mary period burled walnut desk and bookcase 127. 57. Blair English chest 127. 58. George II pier mirror 128. 59. Chippendale plate 169 128. 60. District of Columbia War Memorial 129. 61. Home of Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Strong 129. 62. Gist Blair’s retreat 130. 63. Blair House Library 130. 64. Blair Library book cases 131. 65. Blair Library door 131. 66. Blair Library Ceiling 131. 67. Blair Library ceiling corner 132. 68. Front Entrance of Blair House 132. 69. Wallace Nutting Vogue advertisement 133. 70. Potthast Brothers advertisement 134. 71. Potthast Brothers side table 134. 72. Blair Banjo Clock 135. Comparison of Contemporary Collectors’ Motivations 73. Collection of Henry Wood Erving 135. 74. Blair family glass collection 136. 75. Collection of Eugene Bolles 136. 76. Value comparison of furniture collected by Gist Blair 137. 77. John Brown House purchased by Marsden Perry 137. 78. Henry Sleeper’s kitchen 138. 79. Winterthur Pine Kitchen 138. 80. Wayside Inn 1926 renovation 139. 81. Decatur House, 1822 139. 82. Truxton Beale riding past the Blair House 140. 83. Tudor Place drawing room 140. 84. Morris Philadelphia serpentine sofa 141. 85. Morris Philadelphia chest on chest 141. Conclusion 86. Blair Family China 142. 87. Blair’s Paul Revere tankard 142. 88. Blair family silver 143. 89. 1936 Blair House Lincoln room 144. 90. Eisenhower greeting King of Saudi Arabia 144.
PDF by Margaret Means Newman Masters Program in the History of Decorative Arts The Smithsonian Association and Corcoran College of Art + Design 2009