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Guide to Irish Quaker Records

Guide To Irish Quaker Records, 1654–1860. by Olive C. Goodbody. With a contribution on Northern Ireland records by B. G. Hutton.

Guide To Irish Quaker Records
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Irish Quakers in Colonial Pennsylvania: A Forgotten Segment of Society by Gerelyn Hollingsworth

Irish Quakers in Colonial Penn
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Book List from Library in Dublin

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Quaker History is a peer reviewed journal consisting of illuminating articles on Quaker (Religious Society of Friends) contributions to issues such as social justice, education, and literature. The journal also includes book and article reviews and is published by the Friends Historical Association. The title changed two times: first was Bulletin of Friends' Historical Society of Philadelphia (ISSN: 2334-3257; dates 1906-1923); second was Bulletin of Friends Historical Association (ISSN: 2334-3265; dates 1924-1961).

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